
Apr 19 2024
4 mins read

Identify Different Types of Breast Lumps and Recognise Signs of Malignancy

Breast lumps are often associated with a life-threatening disease, breast cancer. This can be alarming, but not all breast lumps are symptoms of breast cancer. They can also be caused by benign tumors, which are generally harmless. Therefore, it is important to know the different types of breast lumps, as follows.

  1. Cyst

    A cyst is a fluid-filled lump that is round or oval in shape, has a soft texture, and sometimes feels firm to the touch. It can be caused by the accumulation of fluid inside the breast gland due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

  2. Fibrocystic breast disease

    Fibrocystic breast disease is the growth of abnormal fibrous tissue in the breast area, making it more prominent than the fatty tissue. This condition is generally experienced by women aged 30 to 50 years. The trigger is the change in estrogen hormones in the menstrual cycle.

  3. Fibroadenoma

    Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that is more likely to occur in women aged 20 to 30 years. This breast lump is formed from the change in breast tissue and connective tissue. The trigger can come from changes in estrogen hormones.

  4. Necrosis of fat

    This is the damage to the fat glands in the breast, which generally occurs due to injury, after surgery, or after receiving radiation therapy on the breast.

  5. Intraductal papilloma

    The next breast lump may be an intraductal papilloma, which is a benign tumor that forms in the milk duct. This is a channel that carries milk from the milk glands to the nipple. The tumor is formed from fibrous tissue, glands, and blood vessels. This disease generally affects women aged 35 to 55 years.

  6. Lipoma

    Lipoma is a slow-growing fatty lump that grows under the skin of the breast. The risk of this disease increases if you have a family history of lipoma. This condition can be experienced by people of all ages.

  7. Mastitis

    Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue that is sometimes experienced by breastfeeding mothers. This condition cause an abscess (collection of pus) in the breast tissue. Bacterial infection in the breast tissue and blockage in the duct (a channel that carries breast milk from the milk glands to the nipple) are very likely to trigger mastitis.

  8. Breast cancer

    Breast cancer is a malignant lump in the breast that needs to be monitored. This lump generally grows rapidly and causes changes in the shape of the breast, for example, the nipple is pulled inward or the breast skin is wrinkled and has a texture like orange peel. Breast lumps that have the characteristics of breast cancer should be checked by a doctor immediately, so that they can be confirmed and treated as early as possible.

    The cause of breast cancer is not yet known for sure. However, there are some factors that can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, such as:

    • BRCA gene mutations that are inherited in the family
    • Hormonal factors
    • Unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking
    • Exposure to chemicals
    • Environmental pollution

    When to See a Doctor?

    Most breast lumps are benign and harmless, but it is still advisable to see a doctor, especially if accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Painful and disturbing
    • Does not go away after menstruation, or lasts more than 4-6 weeks
    • New lump appears
    • Lump grows
    • The size of the breast looks asymmetrical
    • The lump feels firm and does not move when moved
    • The nipple bleeds
    • The breast skin is red, hard, or wrinkled like orange peel
    • The breast is bruised for no apparent reason
    • The nipple is pulled inward or its position changes
    • A lump appears in the armpit

    If you find a lump in your breast that does not improve, it is advisable to see a doctor. Especially if the breast looks bruised, the skin is red, and the nipple is bleeding. You can get a comprehensive examination at IHH Healthcare Malaysia, which is supported by a team of experienced specialist experts to handle various health complaints. Immediately plan and schedule a consultation with our doctor.