May 7 2024
4 mins read

Take It Seriously: The Significants of Comprehensive MCU Test!

Health is a valuable asset that needs to be preserved. One preventive measure that can be taken to maintain and detect potential health problems is through a comprehensive Medical Check-Up (MCU). MCU is an abbreviation for Medical Check-Up, where this health screening is usually conducted periodically at specified intervals. In doing so, you can detect various health issues whose symptoms may go unnoticed, enabling prompt intervention. Let's explore its benefits further!

Benefits of a Comprehensive MCU

Despite being sometimes considered less important or overlooked, a comprehensive MCU plays a crucial role in early disease detection, providing protection, and enhancing the quality of life. Here are several reasons why you should not neglect it.

  1. Early Detection of Serious Diseases

    Thorough health examinations can help detect diseases or serious health conditions as early as possible. Diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases are often easier to treat and overcome when detected in the early stages.

  2. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

    The motto "prevention is better than cure" holds true in this context. Through a comprehensive MCU, we can identify modifiable risk factors such as dietary habits, smoking, and low physical activity.

  3. Maintaining Mental Health

    Mental disorders like depression and anxiety can significantly affect the quality of life. Checking mental health helps detect these issues and provides access to necessary treatment and support.

  4. Periodic Health Monitoring

    By regularly undergoing thorough health examinations, you can monitor changes in the body over time. This aids in detecting changes that may indicate health problems or responses to lifestyle changes.

  5. Understanding Family Health History

    A comprehensive MCU also helps in understanding family health history. Knowing if there is a history of specific diseases in the family can assist doctors in planning more precise treatment and paying special attention to certain risk factors.

    Several health tests are required in the screening process to examine diseases and health conditions before any signs or symptoms appear. These examinations help identify health problems early, making them easier to treat.

Types of Comprehensive MCU Tests

There are various types of comprehensive MCU tests, each serving a specific purpose. Here are some types:

  • Cardiovascular examination focuses on heart health and may include tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG), which measures heart electrical activity. The goal is to examine the condition, structure, and function of the heart.
  • Radiological examinations use X-rays or radioactive rays to provide information about a disease through photos or images. Radiological examinations can detect various diseases such as cancer, tumors, heart diseases, strokes, lung disorders, and issues with bones or joints.
  • Ultrasound examinations can assess the condition of blood vessels, liver, kidneys, thyroid glands, lymph nodes, digestive system, and reproductive system.
  • Laboratory examinations consist of several types, including:
    • Hematological tests, which assess the quality and quantity of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and various aspects of blood and blood-forming organs.
    • Urine tests, which determine the content of urine, such as color, pH, protein or albumin, sugar, bilirubin, and blood.
    • Stool examinations, which assess color and consistency.
  • Cholesterol examination is crucial, with normal levels below 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Additionally, ensure blood pressure is in the range of 120/80. High cholesterol is a disorder resulting from consuming high-fat foods and can lead to health issues like heart attacks and strokes.
  • Blood sugar examination is essential for diabetes prevention. Fasting for at least eight hours is usually required before this test. Normal levels range from 70-100 mg/dL, while prediabetes is indicated by levels between 100-125 mg/dL. Diabetes is diagnosed if blood sugar levels exceed 126 mg/dL.
  • Comprehensive MCU tests may also include liver function tests, kidney function tests, anamnesis examinations, bone density tests or bone densitometry, dental and oral examinations, colorectal health screenings, cervical health screenings, skin health screenings, audiometry tests, and urine examinations.
  • Undergoing a comprehensive MCU is not merely a reactive measure to symptoms or existing diseases. It is also an investment in long-term health that allows for early detection, prevention, and holistic health maintenance. Therefore, do not underestimate it; undergo regular health checks to support a healthy and quality life. Consult with our doctors at IHH Healthcare Malaysia to determine screenings suitable for your conditions and needs.